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第一条 为加强规范性文件管理,全面推进依法行政,根据有关规定,制定本暂行办法。
第二条 政府和部门制定规范性文件均适用本暂行办法。
第三条 规范性文件应当规定有效期。有效期自文件实施之日起最长不得超过5年;有效期届满,规范性文件的效力自动终止。
第四条 规范性文件实施满1年后,实施机关应当进行实施效果评估,并向同级人民政府法制工作机构提交评估报告。
第五条 政府规范性文件有效期届满前6个月,实施机关认为需要继续实施的,应当在对规范性文件进行评估的基础上,向制发机关提交保留、修改的报告。报告应当包括以下内容:
第六条 制发机关收到建议保留、修改的报告后,应认真调查研究。必要时,应组织专家或有关研究机构进行论证,并按照以下方式处理:
第七条 部门规范性文件有效期届满前6个月,由制发部门进行充分论证后,参照第六条的规定处理,并报同级人民政府备案。
第八条 重新修订的规范性文件为新制定的规范性文件,应当规定有效期和进行实施效果评估,并按照有关规定报送备案。
第九条 县、区人民政府可根据本暂行办法,制定具体实施细则。
第十条 本办法自2007年7月1日起施行,有效期至2012年6月30日。

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市长  徐建华



第一条 为了规范政府非税收入管理,提高政府宏观调控能力,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 政府非税收入指除税收以外,各级国家机关、事业单位、代行政府职能的社会团体以及其他组织,依法利用政府权力、政府信誉、国家资源、国有资产或提供公共服务、准公共服务取得并用于满足社会公共需要或准公共需要的财政性资金。包括下列各项:












第三条 本市政府非税收入的征收管理、资金管理、票据管理及监督检查,适用本办法。


第四条 各级政府应当加强对政府非税收入管理工作的领导,严格实施法律、法规中有关政府非税收入管理的规定,推进政府非税收入管理信息化建设,提高政府非税收入管理效率。

第五条 各级政府财政部门是政府非税收入的主管部门,根据有关法律、法规、规章,制定政府非税收入管理的具体规定,编制政府非税收入年度预算,统一管理政府非税收入资金。


第六条 行政事业性收费应当依据法律、法规、规章、国务院和省政府的规定设定和征收。








第七条 法律、法规、规章规定了征收或者收取部门、单位(以下统称执收单位)的政府非税收入项目,由法定执收单位征收或者收取;法定执收单位根据法律、法规、规章的规定委托其他单位征收或者收取的,应当将委托协议送本级政府财政部门备案。



第八条 执收单位应当履行下列职责:





第九条 执收单位应当严格依照本办法第六条的规定征收、收缴、收取政府非税收入,不得多征、多缴、多收、少征、少缴、少收或者擅自减征、减缴、减收、免征、免缴、免收。



第十条 政府非税收入实行单位开票,银行代收,财政统管的征收管理制度,除法律、法规、规章另有规定的外,禁止执收单位或者受委托单位当场收取现款。

第十一条 各级财政部门应当对政府非税收入款项实行专户管理,公开选定收款银行,按照《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》及相关实施细则的规定,申请开设政府非税收入汇缴专用存款账户,用于归集、记录、结算政府非税收入款项,只收不支,定期转账,并不得提取现金。



第十二条 缴款义务人应当按照法律、法规、规章和规范性文件规定的时间、数额,将应缴款项缴入同级财政部门选定的收款银行的政府非税收入汇缴专用存款账户,不得逃避缴款义务。

第十三条 执收单位或者受委托单位依法当场收取现款的,应当在同级财政部门规定的时间内,将所收款项全额缴入政府非税收入汇缴专用存款账户。


第十四条 各级政府应当积极采取措施降低政府非税收入征收成本,改进征收办法及收取方式,方便缴款义务人缴款。

第十五条 政府非税收入征收(代收)单位应当按照收入级次和规定的类别,定期将政府非税收入汇缴结算账户内的资金划解国库或者财政专户,不得拖延、滞压、挪用。

第十六条 除法律、法规另有规定的外,上下级分成的政府非税收入,按照就地缴款、分级划解、及时结算的原则,全部通过各级国库和财政专户运作。执收单位上下级之间不得直接对政府非税收入实行集中、提取及分成。

第十七条 政府非税收入属于国家财政性资金,应当按照综合财政预算的要求,将政府非税收入形成的可用财力纳入统一的政府预算体系,按照资金性质实行分类管理:





第十八条 各级政府财政部门应当依照有关法律、法规的规定,制定财政票据管理的具体办法,统一管理财政票据。


第十九条 除应当依法纳税的政府非税收入使用税票外,执收单位征收、收缴、收取政府非税收入,应当向缴款义务人出具由省级以上(含省级,下同)政府财政部门统一印制的财政票据,否则,缴款义务人有权拒绝缴款。

第二十条 除省财政部门依法确定的财政票据印刷企业外,其他任何组织和个人不得承印财政票据。


第二十一条 执收单位使用的财政票据,按照收入级次或者财务隶属关系向本级财政票据管理机构申领。




第二十二条 政府非税收入应当接受同级人民代表大会及其常务委员会的监督。人民代表大会及其常务委员会举行会议时,人大代表或者常务委员会组成人员依法定程序就政府非税收入管理中有关问题提出询问或者质询的,被询问或者质询的同级政府或者财政部门、执收单位应当及时给予答复。

第二十三条 县级以上政府应当加强对本级政府非税收入的管理,建立政府非税收入征管绩效考评机制,将政府非税收入征管纳入征收部门政绩考核,并依法查处政府非税收入管理中的违法行为。

第二十四条 各级财政、审计、物价、监察、人民银行等部门应当按照各自法定的职责,做好政府非税收入的有关监督管理工作。


第二十五条 任何单位和个人都有权举报政府非税收入管理中的违法行为,财政、审计、物价、监察、人民银行等有关部门应当按照各自法定的职责,查明事实,依法处理,并为举报人保密。

第二十六条 对政府非税收入征收和管理部门不履行职责,应收不收,应罚不罚、应缴不缴的有关单位和责任人员,依法严肃查处。

第二十七条 违反本办法规定的,由县级以上政府财政部门或者有关部门责令改正,有违法资金的追缴违法资金,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员由主管部门或者监察部门依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十八条 各级政府财政部门和其他有关监督部门工作人员在政府非税收入管理中玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十九条 本办法自2006年1月1日起施行。本市内已公布的与本办法不一致的规定,以本办法为准。





第一条 根据《中华人民共和国消费税暂行条例》(以下简称条例)第十八条的规定制定本细则。
第二条 条例第一条所说的“单位”,是指国有企业、集体企业、私有企业、股份制企业、其他企业和行政单位、事业单位、军事单位、社会团体及其他单位。
第三条 条例所附《消费税税目税率(税额)表》中所列应税消费品的具体征税范围,依照本细则所附《消费税征收范围注释》执行。
第四条 条例第三条所说的“纳税人兼营不同税率的应税消费品”,是指纳税人生产销售两种税率以上的应税消费品。
第五条 条例第四条所说的“纳税人生产的、于销售时纳税”的应税消费品,是指有偿转让应税消费品的所有权,即以从受让方取得货币、货物、劳务或其他经济利益为条件转让的应税消费品。
第六条 条例第四条所说的“纳税人自产自用的应税消费品,用于连续生产应税消费品的”,是指作为生产最终应税消费品的直接材料、并构成最终产品实体的应税消费品。
第七条 条例第四条所说的“委托加工的应税消费品”,是指由委托方提供原料和主要材料,受托方只收取加工费和代垫部分辅助材料加工的应税消费品。对于由受托方提供原材料生产的应税消费品,或者受托方先将原材料卖给委托方,然后再接受加工的应税消费品,以及由受托方以委托方名义购进原材料生产的应税消费品,不论纳税人在财务上是否作销售处理,都不得作为委托加工应税消费品,而应当按照销售自制应税消费品缴纳消费税。
第八条 消费税纳税义务发生时间,根据条例第四条的规定,分列如下:
第九条 条例第五条所说的“销售数量”是指应税消费品的数量。具体为:
第十条 实行从量定额办法计算应纳税额的应税消费品,计量单位的换算标准如下:

一、啤酒 1吨=988升
二、黄酒 1吨=962升
三、汽油 1吨=1388升
四、柴油 1吨=1176升
第十一条 根据条例第五条的规定,纳税人销售的应税消费品,以外汇结算销售额的,其销售额的人民币折合率可以选择结算的当天或者当月1日的国家外汇牌价(原则上为中间价)。纳税人应在事先确定采取何种折合率,确定后一年内不得变更。
第十二条 条例第六条所说的“销售额”,不包括应向购货方收取的增值税税款。如果纳税人应税消费品的销售额中未扣除增值税税款或者因不得开具增值税专用发票而发生价款和增值税税款合并收取的,在计算消费税时,应当换算为不含增值税税款的销售额。其换算公式为:
第十三条 实行从价定率办法计算应纳税额的应税消费品连同包装销售的,无论包装是否单独计价,也不论在会计上如何核算,均应并入应税消费品的销售额中征收消费税。如果包装物不作价随同产品销售,而是收取押金,此项押金则不应并入应税消费品的销售额中征税。但对因逾期收回的包装物不再退还的和已收取一年以上的押金,应并入应税消费品的销售额,按照应税消费品的适用税率征收消费税。

第十四条 条例第六条所说的“价外费用”,是指价外收取的基金、集资费、返还利润、补贴、违约金(延期付款利息)和手续费、包装费、储备费、优质费、运输装卸费、代收款项、代垫款项以及其他各种性质的价外收费。但下列款项不包括在内:
第十五条 条例第七条、第八条所说的“同类消费品的销售价格”,是指纳税人或代收代缴义务人当月销售的同类消费品的销售价格,如果当月同类消费品各期销售价格高低不同,应按销售数量加权平均计算。但销售的应税消费品有下列情况之一的,不得列入加权平均计算:
第十六条 条例第七条所说的“成本”,是指应税消费品的产品生产成本。
第十七条 条例第七条所说的“利润”,是指根据应税消费品的全国平均成本利润率计算的利润。应税消费品全国平均成本利润率由国家税务总局确定。
第十八条 条例第八条所说的“材料成本”,是指委托方所提供加工材料的实际成本。
第十九条 条例第八条所说的“加工费”,是指受托方加工应税消费品向委托方所收取的全部费用(包括代垫辅助材料的实际成本)。
第二十条 条例第九条所说的“关税完税价格”,是指海关核定的关税计税价格。
第二十一条 根据条例第十条的规定,应税消费品计税价格的核定权限规定如下:
第二十二条 条例第十一条所说的“国务院另有规定的”是指国家限制出口的应税消费品。
第二十三条 出口的应税消费品办理退税后,发生退关,或者国外退货进口时予以免税的,报关出口者必须及时向其所在地主管税务机关申报补缴已退的消费税税款。
第二十四条 纳税人销售的应税消费品,如因质量等原因由购买者退回时,经所在地主管税务机关审核批准后,可退还已征收的消费税税款。
第二十五条 根据条例第十三条的规定,纳税人到外县(市)销售或委托外县(市)代销自产应税消费品的,于应税消费品销售后,回纳税人核算地或所在地缴纳消费税。
第二十六条 本细则由财政部解释,或者由国家税务总局解释。
第二十七条 本细则自条例公布施行之日起实施。


(Ministry of Finance: 25 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with stipulations
of Article 18 of "Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of
China on Consumption Tax" (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations").
Article 2
"Units" mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refer to
State-owned enterprises, collectively-owned enterprises, privately owned
enterprises, joint-stock enterprises, other enterprises, administrative
units, institutions, military units, social organizations and other units.
"Individuals" mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refer to
individual business operators and other individuals.
"Within the territory of the People's Republic of China" mentioned in
Article 1 of the Regulations refers to the fact that places of despatch or
the locations of the consumer goods produced, contract processed and
imported which shall be chargeable to Consumption Tax (hereinafter
referred to as "taxable consumer goods") are in the territory.
Article 3
Specific scope of taxation for taxable consumer goods stated in the
to the Regulations shall be determined in accordance with Notes for Scope of Taxation of Consumption Taxes> attached to these
Detailed Rules.
Selling price (excluding Value Added Tax to be collected from the
purchaser, the same definition below) of each big box (fifty thousand
sticks, the same definition below) is 780 yuan or more, tax shall be
chargeable in accordance with the tax rate of Grade A cigarettes; selling
price of each big box is less than 780 yuan, tax shall be chargeable in
accordance with the tax of Grade B cigarettes.
Article 4
"Taxpayers dealing in taxable consumer goods with different tax
rates" mentioned to in Article 3 of the Regulations refer to taxpayers
producing and selling taxable consumer goods with more than two applicable
tax rates.
Article 5
For taxable consumer goods which are "produced by the taxpayer and
shall be subject to tax upon sales" mentioned in Article 4 of the
Regulations refer to the transfer of the proprietary rights of taxable
consumer goods with compensation, that is, transfer of taxable consumer
goods on the condition of receiving cash, goods, services or other
economic benefits from the transferee.
Article 6
"Self-produced taxable consumer goods for the taxpayer's own use in
the continuous production of taxable consumer goods" mentioned in Article
4 of the Regulations refer to taxable consumer goods which are used as
direct materials for the production of final taxable consumer goods and
which constitute a substance form of the final product.
"For other use" refers to the use of taxable consumer goods by
taxpayers for the production of non-taxable consumer goods; for
construction in process, administrative departments and non- production
institutions and provision of services; and taxable consumer goods used as
donations, sponsor, fund-raising, advertising, samples, staff welfare,
awards, etc.
Article 7
"Taxable consumer goods sub-contracted for processing" mentioned in
Article 4 of the Regulations refer to processed taxable consumer goods for
which the principal provides raw materials and major materials and for
which the contractor only receives processing fees and supplying part of
auxiliary materials for processing. Taxable consumer goods produced with
raw materials provided by the contractor, processed by the contractor with
raw materials firstly sold to the contractor by the principal, and
produced by the contractor with raw materials bought under the name of the
principal shall not be regarded as taxable consumer goods contracted for
processing but shall be regarded as sales of self- produced taxable
consumer goods subject to Consumption Tax regardless of whether or not
taxpayers treat them as sales in their accounts.
Consumption Tax shall not be levied on taxable consumer goods
contracted for processing which are for direct sale.
Article 8
In accordance with provisions of Article 4 of the Regulations, the
time when the liability to pay Consumption Tax arises is as follows:
1. For taxpayers selling taxable consumer goods, the time when the
liability to pay tax arises is:
a. For taxpayers adopting the settlement methods of selling on credit
and receipt by instalments, the time when the liability to pay tax arises
shall be the day of collection as stipulated in the sales contract.
b. For taxpayers adopting the settlement method of receipt in
advance, the time when the liability to pay tax arises is the day on which
the taxable consumer goods are delivered.
c. For taxpayers adopting the method of entrusted for collection or
entrusted with the banks for collection, the time when the liability to
pay tax on the sale of taxable consumer goods arises is the day when the
taxable consumer goods are delivered and the procedure for entrusted
collection are completed.
d. For taxpayers adopting other methods of settlement, the time when
the liability to pay tax arise is the day when they have received the
sales payment or the evidence to obtain the sales payment.
2. For taxpayers using self-producing taxable consumer goods, the time
when the liability to pay tax arises is the day of transfer for use.
3. For taxable consumer goods contracted for processing by taxpayers,
the time when the liability to pay tax arises is the day of receiving the
goods by the taxpayer.
4. For taxable consumer goods imported by taxpayers, the time when the
liability to pay tax arises is the day of import customs declaration.
Article 9
"Sales volume" mentioned in Article 5 of the Regulations refers to
volume of taxable consumer goods which is further specified as follows:
1. For the sale of taxable consumer goods, it is the sales volume of
the taxable consumer goods.
2. For own usage of self-producing taxable consumer goods, it is the
volume of the taxable consumer goods transferred for use.
3. For taxable consumer goods contracted for processing, it is the
volume of taxable consumer goods collected back by the taxpayers.
4. For imported taxable consumer goods, it is the tax assessable
volume for import of taxable consumer goods certified by the customs
Article 10
For taxable consumer goods Whose tax payable shall be calculated
according to the amount on volume method, the conversion standard of the
measurement units shall be as follows:
1. Beer 1ton = 988 litres
2. Yellow wine 1ton = 962 litres
3. Gasoline 1ton = 1388 litres
4. Diesel oil 1ton = 1176 litres
Article 11
Pursuant to the stipulations of Article 5 of the Regulations, for
taxable consumer goods sold by taxpayers where the sales amounts are
settled in foreign currencies, the Renminbi conversion rate for the sales
amount to be selected can be the State official foreign exchange rate (the
mid-rate in principle) quoted on the day of settlement or the first day of
that month. Taxpayers shall determine in advance the conversion rate to be
adopted, once determined, no change is allowed within one year.
Article 12
"Sales amount" mentioned in Article 6 of the Regulations does not
include Value-added Tax that shall be collected from the purchasers. If
the amount of Value-added Tax has not been deducted from the sales amount
of the taxable consumer goods, or if the price and the amount of
Value-added Tax are jointly collected because the special invoice of
Value-added Tax shall not be issued by the taxpayers, it shall be
converted into sales amount excluding the amount of Value-added Tax for
computing the Consumption Tax. The conversion formula is:
Sales amount of Sales amount including VAT
taxable consumer goods = ----------------------------
(1 + VAT rate or levy rate)
Article 13
If taxable consumer goods with the tax payable computed under the
rate on value method are sold together with the packaging, the packaging
shall be included in the sales amount of the taxable consumer goods for
the levy of Consumption Tax regardless of whether or not the packaging is
priced individually and regardless of how it is computed in the accounts.
If packaging is sold along with products without being priced but with a
deposit obtained, such deposit item shall not be included in the sales
amount of taxable consumer goods for tax levy. However, deposits which are
not refunded because the packaging is not returned within a time limit or
are received for more than one year shall be included in the sales amount
of taxable consumer goods and be subject to Consumption Tax according to
the applicable Consumption Tax rate.
In cases where the packaging has been priced when sold along with
taxable consumer goods and deposits have been received in addition, the
amount shall be included in the sales amount of the taxable consumer goods
and be subject to Consumption Tax according to the applicable Consumption
Tax rate if the packaging not returned by taxpayers within a designated
time limit.
Article 14
"Other charges" mentioned in Article 6 of the Regulations refer to
other funds, fund raising charges, profits returned, subsidies, damages on
breach of contract (interest on deferred payment), handling charges,
packaging fees, contingency charges, quality charges, freight and loading
and unloading charges, commission received, commissioned payments and
charges of any other nature which are in addition to the price charged.
But the following amounts shall not be included:
1. A freight invoice of transportation organizations is issued to the
2. The same invoice that is forwarded by the taxpayer to the
All other charges, regardless of whether or not they are income of
the taxpayer, shall be included in the sales amount in computing the tax
Article 15
"The selling price of similar consumer goods" mentioned in Article 7
and Article 8 of the Regulations refers to the selling price of similar
consumer goods sold in that month by taxpayers or withholding agents. If
the selling prices of similar consumer goods vary in various periods
within that month, tax shall be computed according to the sales volume on
weighted average basis. However, the sales of taxable consumer goods shall
not be computed under weighted average in one of the following conditions:
1. The selling price is obviously low and with out proper
2. There is no selling price. If there is no sales or if sales has
not been completed in that month, tax shall be paid according to the
selling prices of similar consumer goods of last month or the most recent
Article 16
"Cost" mentioned to in Article 7 of the Regulations refers to the
product production cost of taxable consumer goods.
Article 17
"Profit" mentioned in Article 7 of the Regulations refers to profit
computed according to national average cost-plus margin rate of taxable
consumer goods. National average cost-plus margin rate of taxable consumer
goods shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 18
"Cost of material" mentioned in Article 8 of the Regulations refers
to the actual cost of processing materials provided by contractor.
Taxpayers contracted taxable consumer goods for processing must
truthfully indicate the cost of material in the contract processing
contracts (or provided in other forms). In cases where no cost of
material is provide, the local competent tax authorities of the contractor
shall have the right to determine the cost of material.
Article 19
"Processing fee" mentioned in Article 8 of the Regulations refers to
all fees the contractor received from the principal for the processing of
taxable consumer goods (including the actual cost of auxiliary materials
paid under commissioned payments).
Article 20
"Customs dutiable value" mentioned in Article 9 of the Regulations
refers to the customs dutiable value determined by the customs office.
Article 21
In accordance with Article 10 of the Regulations, the power to
determine dutiable value of the taxable consumer goods is stipulated as
1. Dutiable value for Grade A cigarettes and white spirits made from
cereal shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.
2. Dutiable value for other taxable consumer goods shall be
determined by the local tax bureaus directly under the State
Administration of Taxation.
3. Dutiable value for imported taxable consumer goods shall be
determined by the customs office.
Article 22
"As otherwise determined by the State Council" mentioned in Article
11 of the Regulations refers to taxable consumer goods export of which is
restricted by the State.
Article 23
If rejection by customs occurs on exported taxable consumer goods
that has completed the tax refund or tax exemption is allowed for the
import of returned export goods from overseas, export customs declarer
shall report and pay back the amount of Consumption Tax refunded timely to
local competent tax authorities.
In cases where tax exemption for direct exported taxable consumer
goods has been completed by taxpayers, rejection by customs occurs and
exported goods are returned from overseas, and if tax exemption is granted
at the time of importation, the taxpayers may defer to pay back the tax
upon approval by the local competent tax authorities and pay back
Consumption Tax to the local competent tax authorities when the goods are
transferred for domestic sale in the territory.
Article 24
If taxable consumer goods sold by taxpayers are returned by
purchasers because of quality and other reasons, the amount of Consumption
Tax paid may be refunded upon approval by local competent tax authorities.
Article 25
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 13 of the Regulations, if
taxpayers sell in other county (or city) or appoint agent to sell in other
county (or city) taxable consumer goods produced by the taxpayers, the
taxpayers shall pay Consumption Tax to where the accounting is done or
where the taxpayer is located after the taxable consumer goods are sold.
If the taxpayer's head office and branch office are not in the same
county (or city), Consumption Tax shall be paid at the location where the
branch office produce the taxable consumer goods. However. upon approval
by the State Administration of Taxation and the relevant local tax bureau,
the Consumption Tax payable of the branch office of the taxpayer may be
paid in consolidation by the head office to the local competent tax
authorities where the head office is located.
Article 26
These Detailed Rules shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance
or by the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 27
These Detailed Rules shall be implemented on the date the Regulations
are promulgated.
